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+39 067 04 90 005

Company Profile


Ascent Film was founded in 2003 by Andrea Paris with the aim of becoming an independent film production company that gives voice to new talents, focusing on Italian and European audiovisual projects. Research, Experience and enthusiasm are Ascent Film’s pillars alongside with a diverse range of professionals that help the company capitalizing on relationships with Italian and foreign producers, distributors and financiers. The company has established close ties with a group of highly-potential talents, screenwriters and directors, with the aim of combining high quality standards with the needs of the average audience. The acquisition of literary rights for films and tv projects is also part of the core business of Ascent Film.

Company Highlights



Genre:               Drama

Director:           Matteo Rovere

Screenplay:      Matteo Rovere, Francesca Manieri, Filippo Gravino

Cast:                  Alessandro Borghi, Alessio Lapice

Two brothers, alone in an ancient and hostile world, will challenge the Gods’ implacable and find strength in each other. From their blood Rome, the biggest empire in History, will rise. A strong bond destined to become legend.

David di Donatello 2020: Miglior Produttore, Migliore

Autore della Fotografia, Miglior Suono (Angelo Bonanni,

Davide D’Onofrio, Mirko Perri, Mauro Eusepi, Michele Mazzucco)
Journées du Cinéma Italien - Nizza 2020: Compétition
Annecy Cinema Italien 2019: Prima
BAFICI - Buenos Aires Festival Internacional de Cine

Independiente 2019: Nocturna
CineItaliano! - Cinema Italian Style a Hong Kong 2019
Cinema Italian Style - Los Angeles 2019
Cinema Italian Style - Seattle 2019
Eurasia International Film Festival 2019: The main contest

Festa do Cinema Italiano 2019: Panorama

Festival del Cinema Italiano di Ajaccio 2019: En compétition

Festival du Film Italien de Villerupt 2019: Compétition

Filmfest München 2019: Spotlight

ICFF Italian Contemporary Film Festival 2019

Italian Film Festival Berlin 2019

Italian Film Festival Cardiff 2019

Los Angeles - Italia 2019: Italian Cinema Today

Shanghai International Film Festival 2019: Focus Italy


Genre:               Comedy

Director:           Leonardo D’Agostin

Screenplay:      Antonella Lattanzi, Leonardo D’Agostini, Giulia Steigerwalt

Cast:                 Stefano Accorsi, Andrea Carpenzano


Young, talented and undisciplined, rich and spoilt. Christian Ferro is THE CHAMPION, a rock star of football, an unruly genius, the new idol who has captured the eyes of fans from around the world. Valerio, is both shy and solitary, and is struggling to manage his economic problems. He has a shadow from his past looming over him, but he is the professor who is assigned to the young goal scorer when, after yet another stunt, the president of the club decides that the time has come to give him some discipline. It comes in the form of a high school diploma, a significant milestone for a boy of his age. The two of them, who could not be more different from each other, will find themselves tied together, forming a bond that grows and changes them both.

Cinema Made in Italy - Stoccolma 2020
Festival du Cinema Italien de Bastia 2020: Compétition
Göteborg Film Festival 2020: Five Continents
Italian Film Festival USA 2020
Palm Springs International Film Festival 2020: Focus on Italy
Viva il Cinema! Journées du film italien de Tours 2020: Compétition
Annecy Cinema Italien 2019: Prima
Appuntamento con il cinema italiano - Istanbul 2019
CineItaliano! - Cinema Italian Style a Hong Kong 2019

De Rome à Paris 2019
Festival del Cinema Italiano di Ajaccio 2019:

En compétition

Festival del Cinema Italiano di Madrid 2019: Largometrajes

Festival du Film Italien de Villerupt 2019: Compétition - Amilcar du Public
Haifa International Film Festival 2019: New Italian Cinema
Italian Film Festival Berlin 2019

Karlovy Vary International Film Festival 2019: Horizons

Lavazza Italian Film Festival 2019: Opening Night

Les rencontres du cinéma italien à Toulouse 2019: Compétition - Prix du Public

MittelCinemaFest 2019

Mostra de Cinema Italià de Barcelona 2019 : Largometrajes

Shanghai International Film Festival 2019: Focus Italy


Genre:                Drama

Director:            Bonifacio Angius

Screenplay:        Bonifacio Angius, Gianni Tetti, Fabio Bonfanti in collaborazione con Vanessa Picciarelli

Cast:                   Alessandro Gazale, Francesca Niedda, Antonio Angius, Mario Olivieri, Anna Ferruzzo

Alessandro, a charming alcoholic loner still living with his mother, decides to help Francesca, a tough but mentally disturbed woman, rescue his child who was taken away from her by Social Services, in order to leave the country. In their road trip across Sardinia, Alessandro falls in love with Francesca, and finally understand how to leave a positive mark in the lives of people.

Festival du Cinema Italien de Bastia 2020: Hors-Compétition
Annecy Cinema Italien 2019: Concorso
Cinema Made in Italy - London 2019
CinemaItaliaOggi - Varsavia 2019
Festa do Cinema Italiano 2019: Competitiva
Festival del Cinema Italiano di Ajaccio 2019: En compétition
Mostra de Cinema Italià de Barcelona 2018: Projeccions especials

Karlovy Vary International Film Festival 2019: Horizons

Les Rencontres du Cinéma Italien à Grenoble et en Isère 2019: Panorama

Santa Barbara International Film Festival 2019: International Competition

Semana de Cine Italiano - Buenos Aires 2019

Torino Film Festival 2018: Festa Mobile

European Producer's Club • 42 Rue du Fbg du Temple • 75011 Paris, France

Tel: +33 1 44 90 06 13 •


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